Why Do So Many Boys Not Care about School

Why Do So Many Boys Not Care about School

There have been several studies on the educational performance of boys and girls. Many of these studies have suggested that boys receive comparatively lower grades at school. These studies also indicate that about one-third of these school boys do not even complete high school and drop out before that. Read on to understand some of the reasons why a large number of boys do not really care about school. This understanding may help several parents care about their boys’ educational interests.

Teachers’ negative attitude

Many boys exist who struggle badly when it comes to studies. Even though they make their best efforts to overcome their poor performance at certain subjects, they simply cannot help themselves. It is observed that their teachers also consider them as disinterested students. Sometimes, teachers feel that boys are not good at studies because of their lack of motivation or interest. In such cases, students with problems or learning issues remain neglected. This further makes them lose interest in studies.

Other interests

There are several boys who are simply interested in other activities like sports and games. They get so engrossed in their hobbies that they simply do not want to pay attention to studies. Such students start finding their schools boring and other places more interesting.

Parents’ stereotypes

There are many parents who hold stereotypes about boys and girls. Thus, their boys receive more freedom than their girls do. In such situations, boys have more time to spend with their friends and at outside places. When external interests are more compelling, they start losing interest in school.

Learning gap

Since girls mature earlier, they also start learning faster at an early age. When teachers start teaching according to average students’ learning abilities, some boys start lagging behind. With time, this learning gap starts increasing and makes coping difficult. This may also lead boys to lose interest in school studies.