Why do plants need photosynthesis

Why do plants need photosynthesis

All living creatures need food to survive and grow, and plants are no exception. Unlike human beings and animals, plants make their food without moving anywhere. They are able to do so with the help of their leaves and roots in the presence of sunlight. This process of making food for themselves is known as photosynthesis in plants. Comprised of two words, “photo” meaning “light” and “synthesis” meaning “putting together,” photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that relies on some chemical reactants and stomata in the leaf for carrying out the entire process.

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Why do plants die

Why do plants die

All living creatures die one day or the other. Plants also take their last breathe due to one or the other reason. Plants usually die due to two reasons, i.e. cultural death wherein something is applied to plant which it cannot endure and dies and physiological death meaning something inside the plant could not survive and triggered its death.

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Why do plants need air

Why do plants need air

Just like us and other living creatures on the earth, plants also need air to survive. While we, the human beings, need air only to breathe in, the plants need it for making their food as well. During the day and night time, plants inhale oxygen for survival. They absorb oxygen through pores found on undersides of the leaves. The oxygen spreads into the live cells of plants and makes them breathe. Carbon dioxide also seeps out through these pores.

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Why do plants appear green

why do plants appear green

One of the first things that a child learns is that plants are green. While at most times, the education about the color of plants stops here, there are a few who counter question that why exactly are the plants green? This might be one of the simplest questions, but ask yourself… do you really know the answer? Let us help you out with this. Plants are green because they have chloroplasts inside them, which are tiny organelles that plants require to carry on photosynthesis.

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Why do plants need sunlight

Why do plants need sunlight

We love to see greenery around us. However, have we ever tried to answer some basic questions that may sound very simple in nature, but demand a reply for sure? Like why do plants need sunlight? Why they fail to grow that steadily with artificial light? What is a phototroph? And, what helps plants make their own food and ultimately flourish, and so on?

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