Why do people get flag tattoo


Flag tattoos aren’t all that common. But that doesn’t mean that tattoo artists don’t get demands to make them. That being said, a flag tattoo is still very unusual as most people don’t see beyond the most obvious meaning. But there is more to flag tattoos than meets the eye. We find out what motivates people to get flag tattoos on their person.

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Why do people not seek help

no help

Getting help for a pressing personal problem may seem like the obvious solution to one’s misery. For the person that is suffering through it, however, often finds it hard to seek help. This can be infuriating for people around them though for the person with the problem, the decision to not seek help stems from what appears to be very legit reasons to them. We explore some of these reasons that prevent people from seeking help.

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Why do people go to see the statue of liberty

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most renowned American icons in existence. Created in a neoclassical style, the colossal sculpture stands in the middle of New York Harbor on Liberty Island. However, owing to its popularity, it has also become overcrowded and many people decide to skip the tour to the Statue of Liberty and just glimpse it from afar. However, there are plenty of good reasons to visit the attraction.

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Why do People Sell Profitable Websites

Profitable Websites

For many people, it doesn’t make much sense when someone sells a website that has become very profitable. However, in the world on online businesses, selling a website that is bringing in the cash is not uncommon at all and most smaller website owners do no hesitate in selling a website that they have built from the ground up and turned into profit maker. We investigate why people sell profitable websites.

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Why do people like Apple Computers


Apple computers, in terms of global market share and sales, do not present much of a stand to their much, much more popular rival Microsoft Windows-based computers. Despite having become a major player in the smartphone market globally, Apple hasn’t fared as well in the computer market. But plenty of people still love Apple computers. We examine the reasons behind this adoration.

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Why do people get crazy tattoos

tattoos why

The motivations behind why people get a tattoo can inspire many a book but for the average tattoo getter, the reasons behind getting a tattoo are often emotional ones. Even though most tattoo artists agree that younger tattoo getters often get inked for nothing more than vanity, they still concede that they still get plenty of requests for tattoos that are unique in meaning and have a very deep, personal meaning behind them. Here are some of the key reasons for getting a tattoo.

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Why do so many people get their tattoo removed

tattoo removed

Tattoo removal today is as big an industry as the tattoo getting industry itself. While the reasons for getting a tattoo vary from person to person and are pretty widely discussed, the reasons why people would get their tattoo removed aren’t always that obvious. We try to explore some of the lesser known reasons behind tattoo removal.

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Why do we burp

Why do we burp

When we eat or drink, we also tend to swallow air. When the food gets digested this air gets pushed out back through esophagus and stomach. This release of gas often comes with a not- so- cool sound called burp. So, in essence burping is a very important function of body wherein it tries to expel the unwanted air (or gases found in the air) from the body. Burping is also known as belching, ructus or eructation.

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