Why do kids need cellphones

Why do kids need cellphones

Parents of growing kids always face the dilemma about buying a cellphone for them. Conflicting views come to their mind considering the fact that technology and social networking tools/gadgets have been associated with negative attitude, poor performance in school results and a general lack of attention in co-curricular activities. On the other hand, in these violent times kids are not safe the moment they step out from their homes, hence having a mobile phone at least guarantees of a quick establishment of contact, in case of an emergency.

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Why do kids wet the bed

Why do kids wet the bed

Kids wet the bed due to several reasons. First and foremost is the fact that the body of kids below six years is not fully developed and their bladder does not send the message to their brain to wake up and use the toilet. Night time dryness is the last of toilet training which kids learn late in life. In fact, before six years of age bedwetting is so common that it should not be treated as a problem unless the kid has begun to feel bad about it and it has begun to impinge on his/her self- image.

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Why do kids sweat when they sleep

Why do kids sweat when they sleep

Most kids (infants especially) sweat while they are in a deep stage of sleep. While one can so easily relate night sweats in children with heavy pajamas they wear, too many blankets we clad them in or a fever, other serious conditions may include some types of cancer, HIV/AIDS, and thyroid or autoimmune disorders. Since parents find it difficult to trace the exact reason, what they simply do is remove blankets, lower the temperature in the bedroom or put their kid to bed in lighter pajamas – instead of consulting a doctor for the same.

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