Why do dogs eat poop

Why do dogs eat poop

As surprised as I was to find so many online resources for the question, “Why do dogs eat poop?” I was even more surprised to learn of the various reasons for the same. These reasons enlightened me on why our pets prefer to munch on both others and their own waste. And as disgusting as it may look at first, the habit could actually let you know a lot about what your pet is going through at the moment.

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Why do dogs howl

Why do dogs howl

Why do dogs howl is a question that has perplexed humans since centuries. Many a times you must have seen that when a fire engine passes near your home with blazing siren sound then your dog may also start howling in response to the siren. On other occasions you must have observed that when you play your favorite song on your music system or play piano then your pet dog starts howling again.

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Why do dogs pant

Why do dogs pant

Dogs pant primarily to cool themselves down. Unlike humans where we have sweat glands all over the body, dogs have them only in their paws. These glands are called merocrine glands and help the animal to cool down. But the problem is that the surface area of dog’s paw is limited and they can’t cool themselves entirely based upon this.

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Why do dogs lick people

Why do dogs lick people

If you have a dog as a pet at home then you must be aware of the answer. A dog licks hands or feet of a person to show his affection and trust for that person. But it may baffle you sometimes when you find your dog constantly licking you. If that I so, let’s find out why do dogs lick in first place?

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Why do dogs chew bones

Why do dogs chew bones

Often you must have noticed your dog chewing on the piece of bone mirthfully. He does not like to be disturbed at the time when he is enjoying his favorite food and seems to get aggressive when disturbed. Though it is quite obvious that dogs are canine and they love to eat meat but what makes them love bones? What pleasure do they find in chewing on that hard piece which makes the teeth work harder?

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Why do dogs sleep so much

Why do dogs sleep so much

Sleep is very important in order to stay active and healthy. Remember the day when you could not sleep well and the next day you felt pretty lethargic. On the other hand, when you overslept, you feel equally lethargic. But that does not seem to be the case with dogs. You can find them sleeping throughout the day and cannot stop wondering what makes them sleep so much?

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Why do dogs bury bones

Why do dogs bury bones

Despite them being our most preferred pets for thousands of years, we still are unaware of the motives behind some seemingly weird behavioral traits and habits of our canine friends. The tendency to bury their bones is one such trait that dogs exhibit on a frequent basis. We normally get irritated or excited when we find them digging away. However, do we know why dogs do it?

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