Why do web designers use Latin

Why do web designers use Latin

You must have seen designers using a dummy text template called the “Place holder Text,” generally written in Latin, which is popularly known as “Loren Ipsum.” The dummy text is generally written in fake Latin and used in preliminary designs mainly for the purpose of highlighting the designs, colors or may be the layout of a page. But where does it come from and why web designers only choose Latin?

The “Loren Ipsum” is commonly used by web designers when they are submitting a web page, basically designed for a review. Web designers don’t want the clients to hung up on the content of the text so that’s why they prefer a non-English content, mainly Latin or “Loren Ipsum” in their preliminary designs to get the actual sense of the colors, designs and layout of the website.

The only need of using non-English Latin content is to indicate the viewers that the sections of the page are for text and they don’t have to go through it. In fact during presentation when viewers look at the particular page and come across the word “Loren Ipsum” they understand that the place is for text and skip the part. The origin of “Loren Ipsum” has its roots in an ancient Latin literature from 45 BC and its standard form is used since 1500s.

The main usage is to engage the viewers in the presentation by describing about the web page particulars and being non-English content reviewers just skip over the part. Many desktop publishing package companies and web page editors now use “Loren Ipsum” as default model text.

You can find plenty of examples and various passages of “Loren Ipsum” on the web and majority of them uses random words or model sentences made from over 200 Latin words. So that’s the reason why web designers use Latin.