Why Do People Come to Counseling

Joan Freeman, CEO Pieta House

A common misconception about seeking counseling is that it is sought only by people that are either crazy or those that are too weak to handle problems on their own. However, people seek counseling for a number of reasons.

Emotional crisis

Some situations in life like diagnosis of physical illness, an episode of mental illness, trauma, victimization, abuse, job loss, end of a relationship loss of a loved one etc. leave people blindsided. Counseling helps people learn to cope with these situations.

To prepare for a life change

Major transitional points in one’s life like parenthood, going off to college, marriage, promotion, learning about a major illness, etc. bring with it a lot of confusing emotions and expectations. When one is mentally unprepared to make these changes, they may become irritable. Counseling can help people resolve the emotional issues related to these changes. Career counseling, parenting counseling, stress and anger management and assertiveness counseling etc. can also help people mentally prepare for major life transitions.

To understand to behavioral patterns

In a fast changing world, many people have a hard time changing their behavior and thought patterns according to the social norm. Some people keep getting into bad relationships while others keep making bad financial decisions. Each of these patterns of behavior stem from events that have shaped a person’s personality. By seeking counseling, a person can pinpoint the source of these problems and learn how to eliminate toxic behaviors from their personality.

For rehab purposes

Counseling is an essential part of the process for people that are in rehab or just out of it. people get counseling during rehabilitation for drug, substance and alcohol abuse as well as rehab after a mental illness to understand the patterns of behavior and choices that may have led up to the development of their condition and how they can break those behavior patterns to ensure that they don’t relapse.